Chemotherapy is a treatment procedure that uses chemicals that are very powerful to stop or inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. In addition to cancer, chemotherapy is also used for the treatment of bone marrow diseases and disorders of the body's immune system, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Chemotherapy can be combined with treatment methods, such as hormone therapy, surgery, and radiotherapy. The implementation of this procedure can be done at home by taking oral chemotherapy drugs or through an IV that is done in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. This choice is determined based on the type of cancer, stage, and patient's health condition. Timing of chemotherapy usually can last for several months divided into several sessions. This procedure is a systemic treatment that affects the whole body, so that it can cause various side effects felt by patients after therapy. Indications Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is the main cancer treatment metho...